
This tutorial is aimed at Unix-like systems which include Linux and Mac OS X. If you're on MS Windows make sure to read the Windows notes at the end of each section.

Apart from one of the supported Lisps you will need GnuPG (which is pre-installed on most Linux distributions but not on OS X). Install it first if you don't have it already. You may also need to install the GNU version of tar if you're not on Linux.

(GnuPG is not strictly necessary - see below - but it is recommended if you want to be somewhat more sure that you're not installing arbitrary malicious code.)

Update: Beginning with version 0.14.1 ASDF-INSTALL is already included with the OpenMCL distribution. Also, AllegroCL 7.0 and higher include ASDF (but not ASDF-INSTALL.) See below for details.

Note: ASDF-Install will not work with MCL unless you start MCL from a terminal.

Windows note: If you want to use ASDF-INSTALL on Windows you must install Cygwin first. If you use Cygwin's version of CLISP [66] (which can be installed from the Cygwin setup application) as your only Lisp system, you can pretty much pretend you're on Unix and skip all the Windows notes below. In any case, you'll need to install the Cygwin "tar" and "gnupg" packages from the Cygwin setup program.

(Update: Alex Mizrahi posted some notes about using the native Win32 version of CLISP to comp.lang.lisp. I asked him to send patches but he hasn't sent them yet.)

Whenever I use ~/ (the Unix shell notation for the user's home directory) in the following text what is actually meant is the value of (USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME). While on Unix/Linux all implementations seem to agree what this value should be, on Windows this is not the case. Read the docs of your Lisp.

Installing ASDF

(Skip this section if you use SBCL or OpenMCL or AllegroCL 7.0 or higher.) Download ASDF and put the file asdf.lisp in a place where you want it to stay. Change into this directory and, from your Lisp, issue the command

(load (compile-file "asdf.lisp")) 

You should now have a new file the name of which depends on your implementation - probably something like asdf.fasl, asdf.fas, asdf.fsl, asdf.ufsl, asdf.x86f, or

Note: LispWorks 4.2 (and probably earlier versions) has a bug that prevents it from loading the compiled ASDF correctly. It is recommended that you upgrade to 4.3 but if for some reason you must use an older version you can skip the compilation step above and later just load the .lisp file instead in which case you'll use interpreted code.

Loading ASDF automatically

We want to make sure that ASDF is loaded whenever we start our Lisp. For this we'll use an initialization file. Most Lisps will read and execute the contents of a certain file on startup. This file is usually located in your home directory and might be called (for Allegro Common Lisp), .cmucl-init (for CMUCL), .lispworks (for Xanalys LispWorks), .clisprc (for CLISP), openmcl-init.lisp (for OpenMCL), or .scl-init (for the Scieneer CL). Consult your Lisp's documentation for details.

Open this file (create it if it doesn't exist) and add this line

#-:asdf (load "/path/where/asdf/is/located/asdf") 

where of course you have replaced /path/where/asdf/is/located/ with the correct path to ASDF - see last section. We wrote (load ".../asdf") and not, say, (load ".../asdf.x86f") because this way your Lisp will load the compiled file if it is available and otherwise asdf.lisp if for some reason you didn't compile the code.

Why the #-:asdf? After ASDF has been loaded it adds the symbol :ASDF to the features list. Our use of the read-time conditional Sharpsign Minus thus makes sure that ASDF isn't loaded a second time if it's already there. (So you can safely save and use an image with ASDF pre-loaded without changing your init file.)

If you're using SBCL or OpenMCL or AllegroCL 7.0 or higher don't add the line from above but use

(require :asdf) 


ASDF maintains a list of places where it will look for system definitions when it is asked to load or compile a system. (System definitions are the files ending with .asd.) This list is stored in the special variable ASDF:*CENTRAL-REGISTRY* and you can add new directories to it. Open your initialization file once again and add the following line after the line which loads ASDF:

(pushnew "/path/to/your/registry/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)  

You can use a directory of your choice but you should make sure it exists. You can also add several of these lines with different directories so ASDF will look into each directory in turn until it has found a system definition. Use the directory ~/.asdf-install-dir/systems/ if you can't make a decision and make sure to create it. (Replace ~/ with an absolute path to your home directory because not all Lisps support the tilde notation.) We will call the directory you've chosen your registry from now on.

Note: It is important that you add a directory here, not a file, so make sure the namestring ends with a slash!

Note: If you use ASDF alone the preferred way to deal with system definitions is to create symbolic links from the .asd files to your registry. However, you don't have to deal with this as ASDF-INSTALL will do that for you.

Note: The free "Personal Edition" of LispWorks doesn't read ~/.lispworks on startup. You can circumvent this by putting something like

alias lispworks="/usr/local/lib/LispWorksPersonal/lispworks-personal-4300 -init ~/.lispworks" 

into your ~/.bashrc file.

Windows note: On Windows we can't use a central registry because Windows doesn't have symbolic links. We will use another mechanism (see below) to find system definitions, so you don't have to put the PUSHNEW line into your initialization file.


(Skip this section if you use SBCL.) Download ASDF-INSTALL and put the .lisp and .asd file into a new directory asdf-install which can be located wherever you like. Now create a symlink to your .asd file from your registry folder:

cd /path/to/your/registry/  
ln -s /path/where/you/put/asdf-install/asdf-install.asd .    

For OpenMCL you don't have to download ASDF-INSTALL because it's already there - it's in /path/to/ccl/tools/asdf-install/ where /path/to/ccl/ is the directory where you installed OpenMCL. You have to provide the symlink, though.

Now start your Lisp and issue the following command:

(asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op :asdf-install)  
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :asdf-install) 

This will ask ASDF to locate the ASDF-INSTALL library, compile it, and finally load it.

Windows note: You can leave out the ln command. Now, before you compile and load ASDF-INSTALL you have to put this line into your initialization file:

(pushnew "/path/where/you/unpacked/asdf-install/" asdf:central-registry :test #'equal)

and then either restart your Lisp or evaluate this expression in your current session. Afterwards, proceed with the two ASDF:OPERATE forms.

Loading ASDF-INSTALL automatically

Open your initilization file again and add this line at the end:

#-:asdf-install (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :asdf-install)    

This will instruct ASDF to load the (compiled) ASDF-INSTALL library whenever your Lisp starts up (unless ASDF-INSTALL is already available in your image).

If you're using SBCL don't add the line from above but use

(require :asdf-install) 

instead. (Note: Try this from the REPL and check the messages to see whether SBCL really loads its own bundled version of ASDF-INSTALL. The "portable" version this document talks about is supposed to work with SBCL as well but in case of incompatibilities you're advised to rely on SBCL's version.)

You're now ready to use ASDF-INSTALL.

Windows note: For Windows add the following line to end of the initialization file:

(pushnew 'asdf-install:sysdef-source-dir-search  

As we can't use the central registry, we're using a customized search function instead. It'll scan all directories below each of the entries in *LOCATIONS* until it finds a suitable system definition. Note that this is a sub-optimal solution because this will not necessarily find the newest one if you've installed several versions of the same library. Make sure to uninstall older versions.

Optional: Using MK:DEFSYSTEM instead of (or in addition to) ASDF

MK:DEFSYSTEM was written by Mark Kantrovitz in the early days of Common Lisp. It precedes ASDF and also works with almost all CL implementations you'll come across. Thanks to the efforts of Marco Antoniotti, ASDF-INSTALL can now also be used with MK:DEFSYSTEM which means that even if the library you want to use doesn't have an ASDF system definition you might be able to install it via ASDF-INSTALL.

The recommended setup is to use both ASDF and MK:DEFSYSTEM because this will significantly increase the number of libraries you can install with ASDF-INSTALL.

To set up your Lisp environment for this you have to do the following (after reading the sections above):

(load (compile-file "/path/to/defsystem.lisp")) 

This last step will ensure that ASDF-INSTALL will always be loaded on startup even if you only use MK:DEFSYSTEM and don't have ASDF available.

The following sections should work for you no matter whether you use ASDF, MK:DEFSYSTEM, or both.